
Brain Fitness for Kids: Cloning the DNA of Einstein

By creating mental alignment and mimicking the mindset and behaviors of Mozart, Einstein, Oprah or Michael Jordan, children learn to integrate and act out the qualities of their chosen hero or their ideal self.

By discovering and developing a child's inner genius and natural gifts, his or her untapped potential is unleashed and greatness is manifested


  • Access “the other 90%” of untapped potential with mindfulness, meditation, and music
  • With supporting research from the Raikov Effect, the positive influence of role playing will be demonstrated
  • Experience the mind momentum of visualization and guided mental imagery
  • Discuss Action Intelligence (AQ) and how one’s actions affect thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and alters DNA.
  • Activate the Reticular Activating System (RAS) to boost brain power with word crafting and proactive questions
  • Implement psychological triggers to create mental shortcuts for learning and teaching healthy life choices.
  • Implement rituals and routines to develop brain fitness and make success a habit

Teach with Passion – Manage with Compassion
Creating Caring Cultures – Giving Children Hope

If your teaching environment has been out-of-control, then these research supported behavioral techniques will bring calm back to your classroom. Learn methods such as Time-In vs. Time-Out to swiftly, positively and gracefully avert potential challenges and problems before they surface. By maintaining inclusion rather than exclusion, the child will develop a sense of ownership and personal responsibility for his or her behavior and understand the consequences of choices made.

Learn the “Teaching Power Position” and master the art of setting effective limits which are proportional, logical, reasonable and fair. You will transform “unsocialized” kids into cooperative and compassionate young children. By developing rules and routines, setting boundaries and clearly communicating expectations, you will transform children to create caring communities.